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Our Governance

91Ï㽶app will always hold governance in the highest esteem. As a Trust, we will always act in the best interests of our children and young people.

Our Local Advisory Boards

An essential core value held by 91Ï㽶app is the belief that schools should be run by, and their improvement driven by, their staff led by their Leadership Team and Local Advisory Board (LAB). 

As a result, the Trustees delegate some of their powers and functions with regard to the leadership and performance of each school in the Trust to the school’s LAB.   In fact, a LAB is a sub-committee of the Trustees.   The Trustees have the legal accountability for the operation and performance of all schools in the Trust and for any decisions taken under delegated authority.   Therefore, all Local Advisors act in accordance with the Scheme of Delegation, policies, and procedures of the Trust.

The Local Advisory Board (LAB) therefore is responsible for their school and for promoting high standards.  The LAB aims to ensure that children and young people are attending a successful school, which provides them with a good education and supports their well-being.   All Local Advisory Boards must be a min. of 8 of whom two must be elected parents. 

Click to view:  l 91Ï㽶app’s Skills Questionnaire

Here are our Local Advisory Boards

Badgemore Primary School

  • Attendance at Meetings to follow

Kate Benson – Local Advisory Board Chair

  • Attendance at Meetings to follow

Christine Mitchell – Local Advisory Board Chair

  • Register of Interests to follow
  • Attendance at Meetings to follow

Rebecca Margetts – Local Advisory Board Chair

Kasia Hutt – Local Advisory Board Chair

Simon Cottee – Local Advisory Board Chair

Chris Rothwell – Local Advisory Board Chair

Cat Allen – Local Advisory Board Chair

Jane Ainslie – Local Advisory Board Chair